Working from Home During COVID? Here Are Some Game Changing Ways to Feel Productive

Millions have joined the world of working from home in 2020. According to The Atlantic, half of Facebook employees will continue to work remote within the decade and 200,000 google employees will continue to work from home till summer of this year.

As a new member of the work from home team, I can speak for most when I say it is a whole other world.

Yes, you can save some time in the morning by not having to get to the office. Yes, you can call into your Zoom meeting with PJ bottoms, or even handle your weekend errands during your lunch. While these things can initially seem great, it can really mess with your mood through time. You can easily start to feel down and unmotivated staring at the same four walls all day. Here are some game changing tips to help you feel productive.

1. OWN your morning

Start with small things each week. Make your bed, journal, meditate. Get dressed. Start with one of these things each week. It definitely helped me when getting started.

Most importantly remind yourself how much of a BOSS you are. These are some tough times.

2. Set up your space

Take some time and add color to your workspace! Colors play a big part in your mood so try some bright or bold looks.

3. Eat Healthy and Stay Hydrated

Energy is a key to maintaining a positive mindset throughout the day. Drink your water and keep only the healthy snacks around you. Your body will adjust on its own!

4. Stretch

Last but certainly not least, get up and stretch! Take your breaks and stretch to some bumping music. Stretching not only reduces tension but it also increases energy to get you up and motivated.

Thank you for stopping by! Don’t forget to follow for more quotes and tips!

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